The continent already had the name 'Jambudvipa / जम्बुद्वीप '. The word 'Jambudvipa/ जम्बुद्वीप' literally means "the land of Jambu / जम्बु trees" where Jambu is the name of the species (also called Jambul or Indian Blackberry) and dvipa / द्वीप means "island" or "continent". The actual derived meaning is....
जम्बुवत् द्वीपः जम्बुद्वीपः
Jambu in Sanskrit generally refers Indian Blackberry, at the same time, when it is used as a collective singular it stands for the berry family !
the beauty of berry family is , it gives countless fruits, that means not easy to count. and they give healthy and mild sweaty fruits you can consume any amount! even it is so attractive pleasing to see.
The continent which produces knowledgeable people and saints like Jambu tree is called 'Jambudvipa'
in this entire Jambudvipa , there are common faith , or common knowledge, or common recognition of Punya-Paapa / पुण्य-पाप, many births / बहुजन्मानि,, other lokas / लोकाः or universes, Vidhi / विधिः or destiny,... in simple the understanding of order or the understanding of power to maintain order, which was and which is referred by the Sanskrit / संस्कृतम् root or Dhaatu / धातुः - 'Eesh / ईश् - to lord, to govern properly'
the 'Eesh / ईश्' becomes Eesha: / ईशः , Eeshvara / ईश्वरः ,...
In Sanskrit and generally in all indian languages, the letters E / इ, Ee / ई, Ae / ए, Ai / ऐ are coming under one category 'thaalavya / तालव्य or palatal',
as the Ae / ए, and Ai / ऐ are just growth of or modifications of E, Ae is called Guna / गुण of E / इ / Ee / ई, and Ai / ऐ is called Vrudhdhi वृद्धि of E / Ee इ / ई
according to the need of modification in the meaning of a word , the first letter of a noun can take vrudhdhi or guna to tell it
for eg, Shiva / शिव - becomes Shaiva शैव = which is belonging to Shiva / शिव
Vishnu / विष्णु - becomes Vaishnava वैष्णव = which is belonging to Vishnu / विष्णु
Eeshvara / ईश्वर becomes Aishvarya ऐश्वर्य = which is belonging to Eeshvara / ईश्वर
Isha ईश [ the omnipotent ruler ] becomes Aisha ऐश which is belonging to Isha ईश
it becomes Aisha: ऐशाः = Aishahaa = the people who are belonging to Isha ईश
or the people who have dedicated themselves to Isha ईश
or the people who have dedicated themselves to the concept of Isha ईश
This is an obvious truth,that there were Hindu worship lifestyle in Arab countries before the birth of Mohamed or Christ.
Stan / स्थान् is a Sanskrit word, which means a place. For eg. Rajastan,.. Now, we should think about the names of countreis in Asia,...
and many of countries has got th sanskrit wrod 'Eesh' itself in their names. For eg.
In som situation , the sound Ish, Eesh becomes Ir , Eer in Sanskrit grammar, hence we get the names...
some of Asian countries has got other sanskrit words or parts in their name,
For eg,
Bangladesh [ from दिश् ]
Vietnam [ from व्यद् - नाम् ]
Myanmar [ from मर् - मृ ]
Yemen [ from यम - यम् ]
Korea [ from घोर् ]
Weather we like it or not, the name Asia tells that the land [ or people ] committed to Eesha / Ishwara / The Lord / The God - whatever the name may be.
If we see, 'Jesus Christ' the origin of Christianity, he is an Asian. His name itself has got the Sanskrit root 'Eesh' ! And Mohamed the origin of Islam , his religion islam itself has got the sanskrit root 'Eesh' !
[Remember: the Sanskrit / संस्कृतम् root or Dhaatu / धातुः - 'Eesh / ईश् - means to lord' ! ]
Both are Asian ! Leaving the other arguments - what are Christians or Muslims doing to the world now -... they Jesus christ and Mohamed were committed to and surrendered to The Lord , and they taught to be surrendered to The Lord !
Weather we like it or not, the name Asia tells that the land [ or people ] committed to Eesha / Ishwara / The Lord / The God - whatever the name may be.
We can see in the culture of Asia ,all the communities has got devotion on Mount Kailash, Lord Shiva,... We can see people from all over Asia coming to mount Kailash to worship!
Stan / स्थान् is a Sanskrit word, which means a place. For eg. Rajastan,.. Now, we should think about the names of countreis in Asia,...
and many of countries has got th sanskrit wrod 'Eesh' itself in their names. For eg.
In som situation , the sound Ish, Eesh becomes Ir , Eer in Sanskrit grammar, hence we get the names...
some of Asian countries has got other sanskrit words or parts in their name,
For eg,
Bangladesh [ from दिश् ]
Vietnam [ from व्यद् - नाम् ]
Myanmar [ from मर् - मृ ]
Yemen [ from यम - यम् ]
Korea [ from घोर् ]
Weather we like it or not, the name Asia tells that the land [ or people ] committed to Eesha / Ishwara / The Lord / The God - whatever the name may be.
If we see, 'Jesus Christ' the origin of Christianity, he is an Asian. His name itself has got the Sanskrit root 'Eesh' ! And Mohamed the origin of Islam , his religion islam itself has got the sanskrit root 'Eesh' !
[Remember: the Sanskrit / संस्कृतम् root or Dhaatu / धातुः - 'Eesh / ईश् - means to lord' ! ]
Both are Asian ! Leaving the other arguments - what are Christians or Muslims doing to the world now -... they Jesus christ and Mohamed were committed to and surrendered to The Lord , and they taught to be surrendered to The Lord !
Weather we like it or not, the name Asia tells that the land [ or people ] committed to Eesha / Ishwara / The Lord / The God - whatever the name may be.
We can see in the culture of Asia ,all the communities has got devotion on Mount Kailash, Lord Shiva,... We can see people from all over Asia coming to mount Kailash to worship!
If at all a perfect admin exists in this creation , it can only be maintained surly and only with the support of many birth system , many lokas , and Punya-Paapa,....
That capacity to bring about perfect admin over the creation of the creator is called Eesh
We can see this concept is accepted and used all over the Asia even today since thousands of generations.
Hence the world people use to refer them as Aishahaa to mean that they are the one who have dedicated themselves to the concept of Eesha, or just to make a fun on them too.
The land of Aishahaa is said as Aishia and in time became Asia , still it means the land which has dedicated itself to the concept of Isha !
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