The very necessary and basic knowledge about the sixth sense of human being is defined in many ways in the world without consistency, but that was clarified off long back by Bharat.
And, it can be
understood easily, without that knowledge of sixth sense, no one can give any
proper and permanent solutions or guidance to the humanity.
many people think that
the sixth sense is some extraordinary power with some people. For example,
In senses
- Extrasensory perception (ESP), commonly called the sixth sense
- Equilibrioception (sense of balance) and proprioception (sense of body position), commonly accepted physiological senses in addition to the usually considered "five senses"
Many scientists also
think, some mistick skills are only refered by sith sense. For example,
"People can sense
things that they believe they cannot see,"
The brain does have a
“sixth sense” beyond taste, smell, touch, sight and hearing, researchers say,
but it’s nothing worthy of the X-Men.
Bhainsce clarifies it
off. Viveka-Bhudhdhi कारण-विवेक-बुद्धिः is the sixth sense of human being. दृष्ठ-कार्य-विवेकेन अदृष्ट-कारणं बोद्धुं
शक्तिः कारण-विवेक-बुद्धिः is the definition for. Generally it is denoted in short as विवेक-बुद्धिः in the traditional books.
That is, the power
to know the unseen cause of anything seen through the discrimination is called Kaarana-Viveka-Bhuddhi.
Really speaking,
every one of the five earlier powers, called as senses are also Viveka-Bhuddhi
[ = discriminating power ] only, as they have the power to discriminate one
object from the other one of it’s own field. Hence each one is discriminating
power only.
The sixth sense is not discriminating power.
It has happened,
after Macaulay’s education of British government in Bharat, people uneducated with Vedic studies, started thinking the sixth sense is just discriminating power. With the foresaid explanation it is false only.
Coming back to Kaarana-Viveka-Bhuddhi
- दृष्ठ-कार्य-विवेकेन
अदृष्ट-कारणं बोद्धुं शक्तिः कारण-विवेक-बुद्धिः
Any living organism
uses one or few senses to recognize the existence of its own field around. And collect
data to use to protect or fulfill their needs,…
They don’t know the
cause for the data or given situation.
It is only human
being, can analyze the data one step further, ask the question ‘why is it so?’,
and find the answer out, ‘this is why it is so!’. This is what discovery.
Finding the causes
in creation, again using the same causes in another combination, human being make
new things existing and functioning with the same causes. This is what
With this power
only, human being is developing and using science, becomes scientist, becomes
compassionate, becomes sadist,….
Bharat has done lots of
research in the field of sixth sense, or Kaarana-Viveka-Bhuddhi. And used it to admin,
educate, guide,… the society. Hence it could bring out a model society with its
education system.
It should be a gift to
the humanity, if it could be recovered, understood, and offered to the world.
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